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Preparing For A Pest Fumigation In Hawaii

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If you are having problems with termites, bed bugs, rodents (rats and mice), stored product pests and other types of pests in your Hawaii home, the best option for elimination and control could be a tent fumigation. Fumigation is one of the best ways to completely get rid of pest infestations in your home. The most important part of having a tent fumigation completed in your home is to make sure that it is done by a company that has certified applicators to ensure that the process is 100% safe for your family and 100% effective against pests.

Below is a list of things that will need to be prepared before the fumigation process can begin and a general idea of what will occur during a tent fumigation.

Preparing For A Fumigation

  • Food in your home that is stored in bags and cardboard containers need to be double bagged. Eggs, fruits, and vegetables should also be double bagged.

  • Food stored in glass, metal, plastic jars or cans that have NOT been open and still have their original seal do not need to be double bagged and can be consumed after the fumigation process.

  • Medications, tobacco, vitamins, supplements and lozenges should be double bagged.

  • Pets and house plants cannot be left in your home during the fumigation.

  • Ice cubes should be discarded and your ice maker should be turned off.

When The Fumigation Team Arrives

Before the process begins, a professional will check to be sure that you and your family are properly prepared and that your home is safe and ready.

  • The interior of your home will be prepped.

  • Locks will be placed on your doors and warnings will be put up to keep people from entering the fumigation tents.

  • A calculated amount of gas will then be introduced into the tent.

  • After the specific exposure time is completed, the tent will come down and your home will be aerated.

  • Professionals will measure the gas levels to be sure no gas traces are left and it is safe to return to.

  • Depending on your pest control company an exterior pest control service may be completed around the exterior of your home for added protection.

Fumigation Safety Concerns

Many homeowners have become very concerned with the actual safety of their home during the fumigation process after a recent number of burglaries that have occurred in Honolulu homes that have been tented. Some precautions that you can take to prevent a burglary from happening in your home during the tenting process include:

  • Contacting your neighborhood watch or a neighbor and ask them if they would check on your property while you are away.

  • Contact your local police department to request extra patrols on your street.

  • Set your home alarm; adjust it for the needs of fumigation such as windows needing to be cracked.

  • Hire on site security.

  • Take valuables like jewelry, money, credit cards, computers and important documents with you.

  • Monitor your property closely during the fumigation process; drive by at different times during the day and report suspicious activity immediately.

Whether you have a bed bug infestation or any other types of bugs in your Hawaii home, a tent fumigation will take care of the problem. Not sure if this is the best pest control option for you? Give Sandwich Isle Pest Solutions a call to learn more about their fumigation services as well as general pest control in Honolulu and surrounding communities in Hawaii.